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Costa Rica

Here is some information from our wholesale affiliate Inter American Coffee regarding the origin of the

Costa Rica Green Coffee Beans.

Finca La Colina takes its name from its location on an isolated “colina,” or hill. Producer Roger Chinchilla Benavidez manages this 3.5 hectare farm with his wife and son. Coffee is processed in a wet mill on the family’s property and patio dried in the sun. The family makes a point not to use any herbicides in their coffee husbandry. As a third generation coffee farmer, Roger takes immense pride in his dedication to farm and family. “Our farm and its coffee have been the whole family’s concern and efforts,” says Benavidez. “We all have worked hard and with love in order to provide a product of quality.”

Cupping Notes:

Well balanced, lemon/orange acidity, chocolate, fresh herbal aromatics, buttery body.

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